Openshift boilerplate node application

Since I want to deploy this application online without spending money, Openshift is one of the good options out there. Create an account if you don’t have one and then create an open shift application. Install rhc command line tools on your machine clone the git repo from openshift using rhc tools “rhc clone..”

Creating a new Sails application

Deploying to OpenShift

CI Using Travis


Enabled the project in Travis and created a minimal config file .travis.yaml

language: node_js
- 0.1

Deploy to openshift

Sample .travis.yaml

language: node_js
- 0.1
  provider: openshift
  user: amitrke
    secure: Wz4IPSIbyDOw2tlPwc.....................
  app: courtres
  domain: eduind
    repo: amitrke/courtres
  - git config --global "travis@localhost.localdomain"
  - git config --global "Travis CI"
  - git add --all
  - git commit -am "Travis change"

It should work without the after_success block, but as travis was trying to deploy the code it would always complain that there was no code change.

  - git config --global "travis@localhost.localdomain"
  - git config --global "Travis CI"
  - git add --all
  - git commit -am "Travis change"

Aug 2017 update - I don’t like Sails anymore

The reason I stopped using sails is because I started to feel restricted in the way the framework would pull the data from database Immagine that you have a table “post” where the attribute “author” is a foregin key to the table “author” when I try to query the data it works fine in sails for one level nesting, but it limits me at that one level and I have to write extra code if I need more levels. I am switching back to express